Front Row with Ra’naa Karlie of Thrift Sum
Over the past few months–I have noticed a particular "online thrift store" break the conventions of what a quintessential vintage store can become within today's day and age. 'Thrift Sum' are the new kids on the block intent on doing things differently from existing online thrift stores, opting to merge specifically curated in-person experiences into their business model.

Spearheaded by the eclectic and ambitious entrepreneur, Ra’naa Karlie, Thrift Sum is leaning more on an experiential way of selling fashion, combining the ease and convenience of shopping online with the human touch of sporadically engaging with customers, friends and different creatives whom visit TS Showrooms or TS-affiliated markets. Characterised by Ra'naa's usage of considered vintage aesthetics paired with tasteful marketing tropes inspired by representing past 2000s retro fashion within a modern way, Thrift Sum doesn't feel like a generic online store selling items–they're curating a lifestyle. One I liken to that of a miscellaneous Sex and the City character prancing around the streets of Manhattan (New York) during peak Carrie Bradshaw era.
And it is Ra'naa's taste which specifically resonates vibrantly throughout the entire store.

During our virtual to-and-fro, Ra'naa mentions: "I wanted to also create something centered around the people around me. I have such a beautiful group of friends and family that I wanted the brand to appeal towards them–be catered for them and to elevate their talents. It has taken a village of artistic direction to create my vision and concepts and bring them to life. And I am so grateful to have such an inspired team behind Thrift Sum."
So take an FRM detour with us and enjoy this ensuing interview with the boss lady of TS–in which we enter the universe of Thrift Sum and immerse ourselves in the world of a shopaholic turned sustainable business, their upcoming showroom, and everything which takes place in-between.

Would you mind introducing yourself and including a short description of what you do?
RK: Hi, I’m Ra’naa Karlie–or better yet known as my baby 'Thrift Sum'. I run an online thrift store which sometimes is showcased in physical spaces whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Could you tell me a bit more about Thrift Sum? From the ideation behind the name to what the brand identity of the online store/social media represents to you.
RK: Thrift Sum (TS) is more than just an online store–it has become a tool of creativity and art. The product of artistic vision being shown through slow living, and slow fashion. Whilst simultaneously keeping up with what is trending and current, TS was created to demonstrate how what has already existed can be reborn into something fresh and new. It meets my personal morals in my love for slow fashion and living, while staying ahead with the creative scene–which is ever-changing.

What were you most inspired by when it comes to the creative direction, curatorial vibe & design process for your Thrift Sum business?
RK: My biggest inspiration would have to be an oath to the past–early 2000’s specifically–being represented in a modern way. This is a massive inspiration in our styling choices as well as the creative direction for our shoots. I wanted something that could challenge the grain, be that in marketing or how thrift accounts are perceived within social media. It is more than just a purchase. Thrift Sum is a brand with identity and presence. I want it to be seen and desired, that is always my aim behind my design process. And for people to always be wondering what’s next. Or what more? I have always wanted to do more.

I wanted to also create something centered around the people around me. I have such a beautiful group of friends and family that I wanted the brand to appeal towards them–be catered for them and to elevate their talents. It has taken a village of artistic direction to create my vision and concepts and bring them to life. And I am so grateful to have such an inspired team behind Thrift Sum.

What inspired the decision for the Showroom? Also, how was the experience! It looked super cool.
RK: The Showroom was created to have a space to celebrate all the support and love the brand has been experiencing. I loved every minute of the event that transpired over that weekend. It enabled me to have a space that was just Thrift Sum–a shop for the day, or two. Being online can have many advantages, but the feeling of meeting your physical support and interactions amongst human beings can never be matched or replicated.

TS had taken part in so many beautiful summery markets, and we are so grateful for those opportunities. However, with Winter being so cold and gloomy–markets have faded away. I saw an opportunity to not have to rely so heavily on the market scheme as before. And so, I thought why not just host my own market? And we did just that. And it was a blast! I will definitely be planning more of those in the future. To continue creating those physical bonds as well as binding myself to the brand. It is easy to separate myself from Thrift Sum and see us as two entities, and I suppose we are. However, the showroom allows me to really embody my brand and represent who we both are as one concept.

I love your IG tagline "Wear with Care" and I'd love to ask; what is the definition of Care according to you & Thrift Sum?
RK: “Wear with Care” means just that. Wear with consideration, and intent. Define and own your pieces of clothing as they are a representation of yourself. Wear ethically and considerably. Garments are more than just physical pieces to clothe you. They are the hands that were used to create your outfits. Someone’s visions and ideologies being showcased on your body. Wear with pride and knowledge.
It is so easy in a world of fast fashion to be swept away in the currents of what is new and stylish. But what about the old? It was once new too. I myself, like many others, have fallen victim to fast fashion. We are human and convenience is our enemy. That is why Thrift Sum has been created online–to offer ease and convenience–and in the hope that someone will choose secondhand over fast fashion.

Is there anything else you have on the cards for the remainder of 2024?
RK: Definitely hoping to get another showroom–or two–in before the year ends. Keep a close eye on our socials, the next one is coming up real soon! Additionally–more shoots, meeting new creatives and collaborating on future projects will be an incredible experience. I’m also hoping to move Thrift Sum into an e-commerce space and more social media platforms–to become even more available to our buyers and followers. And don’t forget to catch us at the Candor Market October 5th–our first Summer Market back!
